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为纵深推进学院国际化办学进程,着力打造内陆应用型高校国际化创新人才培养新高地,为莘莘学子搭建立体多元的国际化成长平台,以高质量升学率和就业率持续向社会输出具有全球领导力的世界公民,国际交流学院整合 200+ 世界名校资源,汇聚精英团队,倾力为心怀名校留学梦的学生一对一量身订制本硕直通升学计划。

To further advance the internationalization process of the college, we are  committed to creating a new highland for cultivating international innovative  talents in inland applied universities, building a multi-faceted and diversified  international growth platform for students, and continuously producing world  citizens with global leadership for society through high-quality enrollment and employment rates. The SIE has integrated resources from over 200 world-renowned  universities, gathered an elite team, and 

tailored one-on-one undergraduate to-graduate direct enrollment plans for students who aspire to study in top universities. The customized one-on-one services cover target university selection,  English language proficiency enhancement, GPA (Grade Point Average) target management, school application, visa application, and other aspects. 

Accurate  policies are implemented based on students' individual conditions to ensure that after completing credits and obtaining a full-time undergraduate diploma and 

bachelor's  degree certificate from Jinzhong University of Information Technology, they can directly enter renowned international universities to pursue a master's degree.